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107 shots showbox with alternating shapes in calibers 25mm and 30mm, with strobe effects in gold, green, red and white, combined with different color stars. Effects: 1.) Gold glittering tail to gold strobe with blue and green peony 2.) V-Shape: Gold glittering tails to gold strobe with color stars; left: purple and green; right: purple and blue 3.) Gold glittering tail to gold strobe with purple, green and blue dahlia 4.) W-Shape of green glittering tails to green strobe with color stars, from left to right: purple, lemon, blue 5.) Green glittering tails to green strobe with blue, purple and lemon dahlia 6.) W-Shape of Blue mines to red glittering tails to red strobe with blue peony and lemon dahlia 7.) Blue tails to red strobe with Blue peony and lemon dahlia 8.) Z-Shape with final salvo of blue, purple and lemon mines to white glittering tails to blue peony change to white strobe with purple and lemon dahlia